Friday, April 19, 2013


Many people have asked me how they can help with what we are doing at YMI.  There are so many needs, so I figured I would compile a list of ways in which YOU can help contribute to what God is doing at YMI.

5 Tangible Needs of Youth Missions International
1.  Participant - We need at least 1 more high school student to sign up for our Japan trip for this summer.
2.  Host homes - We need host homes that are willing to host teams during their launch and debriefs before and after their trips respectively.  This involves having enough floor space for a team to sleep, being able to provide meals while they are in your home and being willing to either provide transportation to and from the airport yourself, or round up a crew of people to do it in your absence.
3. Team Leaders for 2014 - Believe it or not, we are already planning for our 2014 trips all around the world!  We are in need of people who are at least 23 and willing to lead a team in the coming year.  To see our 2014 trips, click here.
4. Training Camp Cooks - we are in need of people who are willing to help out by cooking at training camps!
5. 2014 Participants - Are you going into high school or in high school?  Do you love the Lord and have a desire to share the Gospel around the world?  Then sign up for a trip in 2014!  We are training and sending teams to 9 different countries, including 4 different continents!!  To sign up for a trip, click here.

If you are interested in any of these things, please email me at!  I woud love to get you plugged in!

1. Nathan and my support raising is going well.  We are sitting at about 61% of our married goal, which is really great!  That said, we still have a ways to go and would appreciate prayer for that.
2. Volunteer training went really well on Saturday morning.
 They listened very intently.
I had access to a white board, so I drew pictures to help the students remember the answers for the test. Needless to say...I am no artist.

1. Pray for Brian as he is traveling all over Europe right now doing some pre-trip work for our teams this summer.
2. Pray for Nathan as he is finishing up this year at school in Oregon.  Pray that God would give him health and that he would be diligent in his studies and finish strong!
3. Pray for the Burres family as Grandma's memorial is tomorrow.  We will be getting together as a family to celebrate the life she has in Christ.  Pray that the Gospel is proclaimed and that the family would have hope and peace that can only come from Christ.

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