Friday, March 21, 2014

FREE mission trip? WHAAAAAT?

We find ourselves at the end of another busy week and we are so excited that we get to vacation with our families this weekend!  We will take pictures and post them sometime in the future  :)

Today, we want to share with you an exciting announcement that YMI just made!

If you or anyone you know is interested in winning a FREE mission trip with YMI, click HERE.  
If you are interested in where we are sending teams next year, click HERE.

We are so thankful that God is working in this world. He's not done yet.  Maybe YOU are a part of His plan for the Gospel to be known in every tribe, tongue and nation in 2015.  

To God be the glory for the GREAT things he has done.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Praises and Prayers

1. We think we have found a place to live when we get back!  This is exciting news and we are eager to get it all finalized sometime between now and May.  Please keep praying that this works out and that we will be able to have a smooth transition back to WA.
2. Work is going well - we are really looking forward to summer ministry season starting with mission teams and sports camps! It's just around the corner!
3. We get to go on a short weekend vacation with our families in a couple weeks.  Our parents decided to rent a beach house for all of us to stay in - my immediate family, his immediate family and us!  We couldn't be more blessed to have families that love each other and desire to VACATION together!  Wow!  God is so good.  We will be hanging out in Lincoln City, Oregon in a couple weeks.  

1. The YMI Fundraising Banquet is tomorrow evening.  Please pray that God lays it on the hearts of people to give and give generously.  This event plays a huge role in the amount of ministry that we are able to do in the coming year.  We know that God always provides, so we are asking that this is one of those ways.
2. Pray that a) our summer mission teams fill up (we still have spots open) and b) sports camps fill up.  We are finding that, for whatever reason, filling ministry opportunities is difficult this year.  We are also hearing the same reports from organizations like us.  Pray that God will allow our ministry opportunities to fill up so that our missionaries have teams to receive and so that communities are connected to local churches.
3. Pray for Nathan as he finishes up school.  He has a TON to do in the way of assignments over the next couple months.  Pray specifically as he prepares to give a sermon in chapel at school.  He has decided to teach on marriage and we both recognize that teaching is a high calling.  Pray for wisdom and discernment as he figures out what God would have him communicate to these students.
4. Finally, pray for us in our last 2 months in Salem.  We have grown to love it here.  Our friends are here, we love our church here and we like our first home together.  We know that God is going to supply all of our needs when we move back - relationships and fellowship included.  But it's still hard to think about leaving!  Thankfully, Salem is just a (relatively) short drive from Tacoma.  We'll be making visits, for sure!

And, to end this post, here are some pictures from the snow storm a few weeks back!
I convinced him to go for a walk.

Someone's car was COVERED in snow up on the road.