Thursday, October 24, 2013

Welcome back, weekends!

Nathan and I are taking a "staycation."  We wanted to have a weekend of fun and relaxation, but we didn't want to leave home because, well, we've been doing that a lot lately.  We're not too sure of everything this weekend will hold, but we know a few things for sure:
1. We ARE going to the pumpkin patch and corn maze.
2. Nathan is MCing an event at Corban tomorrow night called "The Lumberjack Games".  Morgann is watching.
3. We are planning to go watch one of our friends play college basketball in Portland.
4. Our Sunday School class for 5-7 graders starts this Sunday!

If this is all we do, then it will be a success.  And if we don't do any of it, it will be a success.  As long as we get to be together.

In other news, we got to go to our first conference together a couple weeks ago and we took a few pictures.
Exhibit A: We had a paper mache donkey in the classroom we were assigned to.  He was the size of a large goat.  We nicknamed him "Burro."
Exhibit B: There was a really adorable baby at the conference.  So naturally, we ended up holding him.  We call this picture, "Startin' them young."

We have also been able to explore Salem a little bit and we found our new favorite "cheep date night" place.   Yummmy $0.99 tacos.  Yes, please!

-All volunteer slots are filled for the month of November (!!!)
-We are loving our OC Group at church on Thursday nights.  It's become one of our highlights of our week.

-Rest.  We are both having a hard time sleeping and are running on "e".  Last night Morgann went to bed at 8:30 and slept until 7:30.  A blessing, for sure, but we are hoping that we can space that sleep out a little more!
-Participants.  Pray that our YMI Teams fill up soon!  We are looking good, but we would love to send the maximum amount of students this year as they are trained to share their faith.
-Staff.  Pray that YMI's staff is able to stay healthy during this travel/training season.  When one of us gets sick, it really affects everyone.  We have been blessed by a pretty healthy last few months, so praises for that as well!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

3 Goals

Right now, we are in a season of goal setting both at YMI and Nathan and me personally.  Fall is a season of wrapping up summer ministry and launching into winter training.  Lots to do!!  For us, it has been an extra busy fall with the start of our marriage, moving and making adjustments accordingly.  We are grateful for this season of change, but it is so important for us to keep setting goals so as not to get caught up in the "busy". 

So, here are some current goals that we are working toward as an organization, as individuals and as a couple.

1. Sign-ups - As I have mentioned before, we are in recruiting season.  Lots of our time and energy right now is being put toward getting more kids signed up to be trained in sharing their faith.  This involves visiting Awana clubs, homeschool groups and churches.  For Nathan, it means making phone call, after phone call, after phone call to churches to see if they want to do a sports outreach during the summer.

2. People - Morgann is responsible for making sure we have enough people for YMI Team Trainings coming up.  Thankfully, the whole staff helps with this, but lots of time is spent calling people and churches.  We are eager to see how this training season sails once we get going!

3. Support-raising - Nathan and I have the personal goal of being 100% support raised by the end of 2013. Right now, we sit at 87% of our $3,765 that we need each month.  We are praying and acting diligently to see this to completion!  If you happen to be interested in supporting us, email Morgann at

Here are some ways that you can praise God with us!
-The Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon that Morgann planned went very well!  It was a great time of really reflecting on how God is using people to further this ministry.
-YMI has recently welcomed a new Mission Mobilizer down in the Long Beach, CA area.  We are so grateful to have Lis on board with us!  Pray that her transition is smooth.
-Nathan and I are finally plugged into our home church here by serving.  We are teaching the 5-7 grade Sunday School class and are so stoked about it because we know that it is God's will for us.  We are also involved in a small group and tonight (our first night), God is allowing us to open up our home to the group!  He is so good!

Here are some ways that you can pray for us and our ministry with YMI:
-Pray for Morgann as she is half-way through her 6 weekends in a row of traveling.  Pray for safe travels and stamina to see this season through.  Travel is not an easy thing for me and I often get sick by the end of it.  So please pray that my health would hold up.  This weekend (tomorrow morning) she is off to Burbank, CA to present YMI at a conference.  
-Pray for Nathan as he is making phone calls to churches.  Pray that some churches commit to doing a camp!  Pray also as he is recruiting his summer staff - that God would provide the people!!
-Pray for us as we are making our final push for support.  Pray that people's hearts would be open to giving to our salary and that they would see the value in supporting the ministry of YMI.

We love you guys!  Thanks for following what God is doing in our lives  :)

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Dear whoever,

From my ever-so-naiive newlywed heart to yours, can I have your attention for just a few short minutes?  First, let me soothe your mind so that you might actually listen.  Yes, I realize that we got married young.  Yes, I am fully aware that we “have the rest of our lives to be married”.  Yes, I know that we have chosen a road less traveled. 

Now that that’s out of the way, let’s chat.

To the woman who I ran into at the store: It really hurt my soul when you reacted with utter disdain when you found out that we decided to get married young.  I saw the look on your face.  I saw the way your posture changed from being engaged to being disgusted.  I saw your arms lose their softness and cross in front of you.  I saw it.  And I didn’t say anything.  Instead I listened.

To the man who I ran into a few afternoons ago: My heart is saddened that you are so sure that our marriage is going to fail.  I grieve the fact that you are so sure that the things we find “cute” now are soon to turn to annoyances that make us grit our teeth.  Maybe you’re right, but why oh why is it necessary to forecast that in our marriage just 8 short weeks in?  These 8 short weeks have been bliss.  And we are so thankful.  And we are looking forward to another 8 weeks.  8 years.  8 decades.

To the couple who couldn’t help but offer advice: Thank you for your kindness.  Thank you for caring about our marriage enough to speak.  I am so glad that waiting 5 years to have kids worked well for you.  I really am.  But I am not convinced that it will “wreck our relationship” if that happens sooner.  My heart was saddened that you see children as such a burden that you must warn us against them.  Children-in God's time, no matter when that is-are a blessing.

To all of you: Marriage is a blessing.  It one of life’s greatest blessings.  It is a time to lean on the Lord for direction, wisdom, counsel and comfort.  It is a time to lean on each other and weather the storms of life together.  It is a time to rejoice together.  It is community like nothing else on this earth.  And we are blessed to get to take part in it at a young age, with Nathan still in school and trusting the Lord for our provision.  We wouldn’t have it any other way.

Can you do me a favor?  Never, ever condemn someone’s marriage before it really ever starts.  Instead, choose to bless it.  Choose to rejoice with others in their joys.  And then, when the tough times come (see, I know they will come), then and ONLY then, grieve and offer wise counsel.  We will gladly accept it.

We are not crazy…or maybe we are…but this is the path God has chosen for us.  And so we will walk in it.  Will you walk with us?  We sure would love the company.


Mr. & Mrs. Burres