Wednesday, December 18, 2013

[you didn't ask...we answered]

[*disclaimer: this post will likely be all over the place, so if you aren't up for a scatter-brained read...stop now.]

Well, it's been 1.5 months since I have posted a ministry blog, though it hasn't been as long on our personal blog:  So...if you feel so inclined, pop on over there  :)  

Since my thoughts are all over the place, I figured that I'd do a self-interview to give you an overview of everything that is going on in ministry, life, family and otherwise.

What is going on in ministry?
In short: everything.  This time of year is really interesting because churches are not super responsive during the holiday season (typically speaking), yet this is the exact time when students are responsive because they are on break from school.  Though churches and families slow down for the holidays, we are still in full-force working away at the office (or home), making sure that everything stays afloat.  We are still in the recruiting season, filling our YMI Teams, YMI Team Trainings and making sure all of that is staffed with volunteers.  Nathan is busy as BASE is right in the middle of its first ministry season as "BASE Sports Ministry". 

What are some needs in ministry right now?
Well, thank you!  I'm so glad you asked  ;)
General Mission Program:
-Team leaders
-Churches for Spring YMI Team Trainings
-People who are willing to cook for YMI Team Trainings
-More kids signing up for YMI Teams
-College students interested in serving with a missionary

-Coaches who are 25 years+ who can coach camps for 8 weeks this summer (paid salary)
-Coaches who are college students who can coach camps for 8 weeks this summer

What is going on with the Burreses?
(FYI, yes, grammatically speaking, that IS how you spell the plural of "Burres".)  Anyway, we are doing well.  Nathan just finished up his second-to-last semester of college.  This was the hardest semester yet, so we are grateful that it is over.  Next semester starts in the beginning of January and it should be a much more manageable workload!  Morgann is doing pretty well also.  Working from home is a blessing and a challenge all in one.  She is trying hard to make sure to stay connected to people through church, grocery stores and Google Hangout with the YMI main office staff.

How is support raising going?
We are NINETY PERCENT support raised!!  We are so thankful!!  God has provided for our needs over and over again.  Our goal is to close the gap on that last 10% very soon.  It is a huge blessing to be living as a support-based missionary because it allows us to truly see God's provision in ways that aren't possible with a typical job.

What are our needs right now?
Currently, we are needing to save to move back to Washington in May.  Anyone who has moved before recognizes that you naturally incur expenses when you move.  Though it is 5 months away, we are starting to put money away to soften that financial impact when the time comes.  We are also saving for a second car.  We will need this in order to continue to do ministry in the summer.  Nathan's job requires him to travel all over the state of Washington for sports ministry.  One car simply can't sustain this with Morgann working in the office each day.

What are our plans for the holidays?
In just 2 days we are headed home to Washington.  We will be splitting our time between the Green Family and the Burres Family.  We have lots of friends to catch up with, family to spend quality time with and our home church to attend.  We are so thankful that our parents welcome us back on our vacation time!

Are we plugged into a church in Salem?
YES!  We are plugged into a church called "Outward" here in Salem.  We are involved in a home group in our area full of wonderful people who we are getting to know better as time passes.  We have also been teaching a Sunday School class each week for 5-9 graders.  It has been a joy to get to know the kids better.  Our prayer is that they know and love Jesus Christ more fully each and every week.  After the new year, we are having them over for a movie and pizza night at our place.  It should be fun!

If you have more questions that we didn't address in this post, let me know (blog comment, Facebook comment/message, text, etc) and we will answer them shortly!

Hopefully that helped fill you in on where we are at right now!  We are so thankful for your support through prayer, encouragement and financially.  You are all a great support to us as we devote ourselves to ministry.

May the Lord's presence be evident in your life as we remember the birth of Christ.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Photo dump: Part 2 "Corn Maze Craze"

After traveling for so many weekends in a row, we decided to have a "staycation" the weekend before Halloween.  We had missed having time together and getting to plan fun things on the weekend.  Since it was close to Halloween, we decided to head to the pumpkin patch and make our way through a corn maze.  It was such a fun way to spend part of our Saturday!

See Mom!  We even took the camera!!

This corn maze had trails that mirrored the major highway paths in the state of Oregon.  As we went through the maze, there were signposts along the way indicating where we were on the "map".

In the middle of the corn maze, there was this really cool teepee!  We decided to stop and see what it was like inside.

We now know that if we want to get good pumpkins, going to the patch the weekend before Halloween is a terrible idea!  All the pumpkins are picked over and rotting.  On our way out, we saw a pile of pumpkins decorating the exit and we asked if they were for sale.  Thankfully, they were!

My handsome {almost} six-foot-tall husband  :)

I told you he was much taller!

They had a small petting zoo at the pumpkin patch, so of course we had to take a look!

I made him re-live his childhood memories.  Feeding the goats  :)  This time he was much more grossed out by the smell of the food pellets than when he was young. Haha.
There was a bluegrass group playing next to the hot drink/food stand.  
We enjoyed sitting under the cover and enjoying some delicious french fries  :)

Later that weekend, we carved our pumpkins.  I'm sure there's no doubt which one is his :)  He did very well for not having seriously carved a pumpkin in his lifetime!

We are so thankful for the time that the Lord gives us together.  We loved getting to sleep in for the first time in a long time and also get to have a fun date to the pumpkin patch.  God is so good to us!

Next up: Do the Puyallup!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Photo Dump: Part 1 - "Staff Retreat"

I am calling this series "Photo dump" because, well, that's what I'm doing.  A couple things you should know about me:
1. I am terrible at taking pictures.  As in, I rarely take pictures.  It really bothers my mother.
2. I am even worse at uploading the pictures than I am at taking them.  
3. When I finally upload them, I am really sad that they are too outdated to share.
4. I don't care about the outdatedness mentioned in #4.

I was going to post all the pictures post-by-post in chronological order until I realized that due to all of my weekend travel during the month of September, there are NO pictures of Nathan until later in September and October.  That was just plain depressing.  So these are now organized by event so that I can split up the large amount of photos with no appearance of my handsome husband  ;)

In September, YMI Staff went on a retreat (but Nathan couldn't be there because of class).  We rented a house up on Whidbey Island RIGHT ON THE WATER.  It was amazing!  We spent long hours planning, vision casting and just spending time together.

Every morning we woke up to see fisherman reeling in TONS of Salmon!  The waters were teeming!

I made a friend during my morning quiet time.

I'm not kidding when I say that the house was ON the beach.


Staff planning and vision casting!

I think I could get use to this.

This mom was out one morning.  She is my hero.  A baby-wearing, fish-catching supermom.

I don't know why I love this photo so much.  But I do.  I want to know this man's story.

It was a good weekend in so many aspects.  I was so thankful to see our staff again, to laugh and fellowship together.  The weather was beautiful, the house was perfect for us and we all got excited for what God is going to do with YMI this next year.

Though it was all great...I was so ready to head home and see my husband!!  

Next post: M & N - Date Day In

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Marriage Isn't For Your Spouse

I couldn't figure out why this blog post rubbed me the wrong way when I first read it. So many other people seem to love it.  So naturally, I figured I was the one in the wrong.  But I don't believe I am.

Marriage isn't for you.  But it's not for your spouse either.  Keep reading.

Marriage is about God being glorified in a most tangible way on earth.  Marriage is the physical representation of Christ's deep, sacrificial love for His church here on earth.  Marriage is a laying down of both of our wills so that God might replace our selfish desires with His Kingdom desires.  

Yes, marriage requires me to put my husband before myself, for we are to "do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count other more significant than [ourselves].  Let each of [us] look not only to [our] own interests, but also to the interests of others" (Philippians 2:3-4).  I am to love him selflessly.  To think of his needs long before I think of my own.  I am called to serve him without expecting anything in return.  And he is to do the same for me.  

But is this really all there is to marriage?  Is this the point?  Simply put, no.  It can't be.  Because if that's true, then it would reason that if my spouse is not happy, then our marriage is failing.  And that simply isn't true.

I love the way that John Piper puts it: "The ultimate thing to see in the Bible about marriage is that it exists for God's glory.  Most foundationally, marriage is the doing of God.  Most ultimately, marriage is the display of God.  It is designed by God to display his glory in a way that no other event or institution does."

Marriage is what God has designed in order that people might be able to see the Gospel lived out on earth.  It is the laying down of one life for another.  It is living for something more than ourselves and each other.  It is living in such a way that other people might see and savor the Lord Jesus Christ for who he is -- our Savior.

If marriage was about my husband's happiness, I would spend my whole life trying to give him what he wants.  The problem with that is that often times, what we want isn't what we need.  I want ice cream right now, at 7am.  But let's be honest, NO ONE needs that.  The pursuit to make someone else happy is a pursuit that only ends with both people more unhappy than when they started.

Happiness isn't the goal of marriage, but joy is a byproduct of it.  Joy comes from knowing that God is on his throne and is sovereign over all. Joy comes from knowing Jesus Christ and prizing him above all things.  Joy comes from serving the Lord together.  Joy comes from laying down my will and choosing to walk in Truth.  Joy isn't a feeling or emotion like happiness is.  Joy is much deeper than that.  And certainly much more fulfilling.  Joy allows us to weather the storms of life.  To stand in the middle of the wind and the rain, the trials and temptations, the sickness and the pain, and declare that God is Good.

I don't know about you, but I don't want my spouse to be happy.  I don't.  I want him to be joyful.  And that, my friends, is nothing that I can give him.  That can only come from the Lord.  So what is my role?  To live in such a way as to point him to the Lord.  And you know what?  When I do that and see him seek the Lord, you better believe that I experience joy as well.  

You see, marriage isn't about you or your spouse.  It's about God's Kingdom come, God's will be done.  One earth as it is in Heaven. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Why Kindergartners are some of the bravest people I know

For the first time in...well...EVER, I feel incredibly sorry for Kindergartners.  Up until this point in my life, I thought Kindergartners just got to play with playdough, color (with crayons, of course), have stories read TO them, play on the playground and check out picture books from the library.  

But do you know what else they have to do?  They have to make friends.  And ya'll.  Making friends is NO JOKE.

I don't ever remember having to "make friends."  In grade school, it just happens.  You naturally become friends with the people who are sitting next to you in your seating assignment because if you forget a #2 pencil, they might be your only lifeline.  It's nearly effortless.  

By the time you reach Middle School and High School, you have established your "friend group" and you're settled.  If you were like me, sports teammates became your new friend group out of necessity.  We had each other's backs.  We laughed together, ate meals together, celebrated wins, learned from losses, ran lines together and just did a whole lot of life together.  But still, those friendships "just happened."

And my goodness.  Then you get to college where everything is about "community" - especially at a private Christian school.  You are invited to Hall Dinner every week, you have a roommate, there are endless activities and clubs to be a part of.  You have people incessantly asking to meet for lunch, coffee, a walk, a hike and it takes EFFORT to get any time ALONE.  Never again will you be in an environment so intentional about creating lasting friendships.  Savor.  every.  moment.  I walked away from college with three of my closest friends.  College rocks for making friendships because, well, the path is laid out for you.

Well guess what?  After college there ain't nobody who's forcing you to make friends.  No one's soliciting you for "one-on-one's" or coffee dates.  Hall Dinners are a thing of the past and the only sports teams you're a part of are comprised of a whole bunch of adults who also have a really busy life.  

You know what I've discovered?  We aren't made to do life alone.  We can't.  God created us for relationship.  He created us to be "us" - together.  I'm finding that making friends is hard work.  It takes a willingness to have those awkward first hangouts where you're asking questions like "Where did you grow up?" and "What are your favorite things to do on the weekends?"  It takes a willingness to put yourself out there and allow others to take it or leave it.  And you know what?  Sometimes they leave it.  And it's ok if they do.  

We have been living in Salem for 2.5 months.  I miss my friends at home.  I miss hanging out with girls who have known me forever and who I have known forever.  I miss not having to explain family dynamics and my sense of humor.  I miss the comfort that comes from knowing and being known.  

BUT...learning to make friends has brought me to a place of being more sensitive to those who have no friends.  I am learning to see those who are lonely and hurting.  I have learned to open my eyes to those who need human touch and those who stand on the outside just waiting for someone to invite them in.  

I've found that being on the outside isn't always a bad thing.  

Because there are a lot of people on the outside.  Which means that I'm not alone. 

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Welcome back, weekends!

Nathan and I are taking a "staycation."  We wanted to have a weekend of fun and relaxation, but we didn't want to leave home because, well, we've been doing that a lot lately.  We're not too sure of everything this weekend will hold, but we know a few things for sure:
1. We ARE going to the pumpkin patch and corn maze.
2. Nathan is MCing an event at Corban tomorrow night called "The Lumberjack Games".  Morgann is watching.
3. We are planning to go watch one of our friends play college basketball in Portland.
4. Our Sunday School class for 5-7 graders starts this Sunday!

If this is all we do, then it will be a success.  And if we don't do any of it, it will be a success.  As long as we get to be together.

In other news, we got to go to our first conference together a couple weeks ago and we took a few pictures.
Exhibit A: We had a paper mache donkey in the classroom we were assigned to.  He was the size of a large goat.  We nicknamed him "Burro."
Exhibit B: There was a really adorable baby at the conference.  So naturally, we ended up holding him.  We call this picture, "Startin' them young."

We have also been able to explore Salem a little bit and we found our new favorite "cheep date night" place.   Yummmy $0.99 tacos.  Yes, please!

-All volunteer slots are filled for the month of November (!!!)
-We are loving our OC Group at church on Thursday nights.  It's become one of our highlights of our week.

-Rest.  We are both having a hard time sleeping and are running on "e".  Last night Morgann went to bed at 8:30 and slept until 7:30.  A blessing, for sure, but we are hoping that we can space that sleep out a little more!
-Participants.  Pray that our YMI Teams fill up soon!  We are looking good, but we would love to send the maximum amount of students this year as they are trained to share their faith.
-Staff.  Pray that YMI's staff is able to stay healthy during this travel/training season.  When one of us gets sick, it really affects everyone.  We have been blessed by a pretty healthy last few months, so praises for that as well!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

3 Goals

Right now, we are in a season of goal setting both at YMI and Nathan and me personally.  Fall is a season of wrapping up summer ministry and launching into winter training.  Lots to do!!  For us, it has been an extra busy fall with the start of our marriage, moving and making adjustments accordingly.  We are grateful for this season of change, but it is so important for us to keep setting goals so as not to get caught up in the "busy". 

So, here are some current goals that we are working toward as an organization, as individuals and as a couple.

1. Sign-ups - As I have mentioned before, we are in recruiting season.  Lots of our time and energy right now is being put toward getting more kids signed up to be trained in sharing their faith.  This involves visiting Awana clubs, homeschool groups and churches.  For Nathan, it means making phone call, after phone call, after phone call to churches to see if they want to do a sports outreach during the summer.

2. People - Morgann is responsible for making sure we have enough people for YMI Team Trainings coming up.  Thankfully, the whole staff helps with this, but lots of time is spent calling people and churches.  We are eager to see how this training season sails once we get going!

3. Support-raising - Nathan and I have the personal goal of being 100% support raised by the end of 2013. Right now, we sit at 87% of our $3,765 that we need each month.  We are praying and acting diligently to see this to completion!  If you happen to be interested in supporting us, email Morgann at

Here are some ways that you can praise God with us!
-The Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon that Morgann planned went very well!  It was a great time of really reflecting on how God is using people to further this ministry.
-YMI has recently welcomed a new Mission Mobilizer down in the Long Beach, CA area.  We are so grateful to have Lis on board with us!  Pray that her transition is smooth.
-Nathan and I are finally plugged into our home church here by serving.  We are teaching the 5-7 grade Sunday School class and are so stoked about it because we know that it is God's will for us.  We are also involved in a small group and tonight (our first night), God is allowing us to open up our home to the group!  He is so good!

Here are some ways that you can pray for us and our ministry with YMI:
-Pray for Morgann as she is half-way through her 6 weekends in a row of traveling.  Pray for safe travels and stamina to see this season through.  Travel is not an easy thing for me and I often get sick by the end of it.  So please pray that my health would hold up.  This weekend (tomorrow morning) she is off to Burbank, CA to present YMI at a conference.  
-Pray for Nathan as he is making phone calls to churches.  Pray that some churches commit to doing a camp!  Pray also as he is recruiting his summer staff - that God would provide the people!!
-Pray for us as we are making our final push for support.  Pray that people's hearts would be open to giving to our salary and that they would see the value in supporting the ministry of YMI.

We love you guys!  Thanks for following what God is doing in our lives  :)

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Dear whoever,

From my ever-so-naiive newlywed heart to yours, can I have your attention for just a few short minutes?  First, let me soothe your mind so that you might actually listen.  Yes, I realize that we got married young.  Yes, I am fully aware that we “have the rest of our lives to be married”.  Yes, I know that we have chosen a road less traveled. 

Now that that’s out of the way, let’s chat.

To the woman who I ran into at the store: It really hurt my soul when you reacted with utter disdain when you found out that we decided to get married young.  I saw the look on your face.  I saw the way your posture changed from being engaged to being disgusted.  I saw your arms lose their softness and cross in front of you.  I saw it.  And I didn’t say anything.  Instead I listened.

To the man who I ran into a few afternoons ago: My heart is saddened that you are so sure that our marriage is going to fail.  I grieve the fact that you are so sure that the things we find “cute” now are soon to turn to annoyances that make us grit our teeth.  Maybe you’re right, but why oh why is it necessary to forecast that in our marriage just 8 short weeks in?  These 8 short weeks have been bliss.  And we are so thankful.  And we are looking forward to another 8 weeks.  8 years.  8 decades.

To the couple who couldn’t help but offer advice: Thank you for your kindness.  Thank you for caring about our marriage enough to speak.  I am so glad that waiting 5 years to have kids worked well for you.  I really am.  But I am not convinced that it will “wreck our relationship” if that happens sooner.  My heart was saddened that you see children as such a burden that you must warn us against them.  Children-in God's time, no matter when that is-are a blessing.

To all of you: Marriage is a blessing.  It one of life’s greatest blessings.  It is a time to lean on the Lord for direction, wisdom, counsel and comfort.  It is a time to lean on each other and weather the storms of life together.  It is a time to rejoice together.  It is community like nothing else on this earth.  And we are blessed to get to take part in it at a young age, with Nathan still in school and trusting the Lord for our provision.  We wouldn’t have it any other way.

Can you do me a favor?  Never, ever condemn someone’s marriage before it really ever starts.  Instead, choose to bless it.  Choose to rejoice with others in their joys.  And then, when the tough times come (see, I know they will come), then and ONLY then, grieve and offer wise counsel.  We will gladly accept it.

We are not crazy…or maybe we are…but this is the path God has chosen for us.  And so we will walk in it.  Will you walk with us?  We sure would love the company.


Mr. & Mrs. Burres

Friday, September 27, 2013

We're not in Kansas anymore!!!

This weekend is the only weekend in the next four weeks that I (Morgann) will be somewhere somewhat familiar!  Having just got back from Little Rock, AR and then preparing to spend the next few weekends in CA, I am looking forward to a visit to our families this weekend.  For the first time in 3 weeks, Nathan and I get to spend the weekend together!  Wahooo!

This weekend is YMI's 1st Annual Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon and I am so excited for it!  I have been working on this event for a few months now, so it's pretty cool to see it come to completion.

Nathan is busy, busy, busy with school and now jumping into recruiting season for BASE Sports Ministry.  As the Athletic Director for Washington State, he is in charge of recruiting all of the churches for summer sports camps.  Often times, that can be a long process of phone calls, paperwork and agreements, so he has to start nearly a year in advance.  We are excited to see how this year's new format is going to allow YMI to partner with more churches in ministry.  To see more about BASE Sports Ministry, a new division of YMI, click here.

Here is how you can pray with us:
1. Pray that the Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon goes well and that we have a good turn out.
2. Pray for Trisha, John, Garrett and Drew who are all YMI Staff traveling to speak at conferences this weekend.  Pray for safe travels and fruitful recruiting!
3. Pray for our missionaries all over the world - that they would be encouraged in the ministry they are doing and listening to God's leading for direction.

Here is how you can praise God with us:
1. Praise God that Nathan and I are able to spend the weekend together and see our families (!!!)
2. Praise God for our newest opportunity to serve in our home church here in Salem as the long-term Sunday School teachers for 5-7 grade!!
3. Praise God that conference season is almost half over and everyone has had safe travels and solid recruitment.  We are so thankful!

And just because I can...THIS BEAUTY was centered directly in front of our apartment on Wednesday!!!  One of our friends, Cassie Forster took the picture :)

Saturday, September 21, 2013

2 BIG things!

1. YMI just announced the launch of BASE Sports Ministry!!!  This is the division of YMI that will be fully dedicated to training students to share the Gospel through sports!  Visit BASE's webpage at

2. PLEASE PRAY for YMI's staff this weekend.  We are spread out all over the nation at different Awana conferences speaking about YMI and challenging Awana leaders to encourage their students to share their faith through training and missions.  Currently, I am in Little Rock, Arkasas getting ready to head out to the conference for the day.  Pray that we get students and churches to sign up for trainings and trips this ministry year.

Thank you for your prayers!  They are much appreciated.  And God always hears us when we pray.  What an encouragement!!!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Right now, YMI is entering into "conference season", which essentially means that everyone on staff is traveling on weekends for the next couple months.  Morgann will be traveling for work every single weekend between now and October 20.  Nathan gets a little more of a break in travel due to his school schedule, praise God!   

Fall and Winter seasons are times for recruiting and training.  Morgann is focusing on recruiting kids for trips in 2014 and making sure that volunteers are all lined up for training camps taking place in 2013.  Nathan is focused on recruiting churches for sports camps next summer.  This is a really fun season of seeing our hard work pay off as the numbers of kids and churches committed to ministry next year is rising.

But the BIG thing right now is that YMI is getting ready to reveal our biggest announcement EVER.  TOMORROW, stay tuned for a REALLY exciting announcement from YMI.  Mark your calendars:

We. Are. Stoked.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Hi friends and family (mostly family, I'm guessing).  We [read: Morgann] have started a blog for YOU!  With us being down in Salem and you being up in ___________, Facebook is great and everything, but we figured that you might want more than an occasional post about YMI Teams.  :)

So, we have created this space so that you can stay updated on what is going on in our life together.  We will strive to post pictures, new adventures, funny stories and do our best to include you in our life while we are making a life of our own.  

It's a weird season to be in.  It's weird because we are so sure that this is the Lord's will for us - and naturally for you too.  But it's weird to go from living at home, attending church together and planning a wedding to just moving and learning to establish our roots on our own.  

It is good.

It is very good.

So here, we find ourselves in Salem, loving being married.  It is the best thing.  I (Morgann) have dreamed about being a wife since the time I was little.  It has always been my dream.  And now I know why.  This is the best season of life so far.  I absolutely love being a wife to my incredible husband.  

So, here's to new adventures as a married couple!  Here's to funny stories, challenges from God's Word, and pictures that speak 1,000 words that I don't have time to write down.  Here's to a new season of life where grace reigns, people matter and God leads.  Here's to being together, to being family.  

Welcome aboard.  We are so glad to have you on this journey with us.

N + M

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A little update

Hey...remember that one time I started a ministry blog and then didn't post on it for almost 2 months. Yeah...sorry about that. I underestimated the busyness that would come with my first summer in ministry and, oh yes, getting married (small details). Haha. So, here's to a new beginning of blogging and a "Summer in Pictures" for your enjoyment!

I got help train these college students to go out and do international ministry this summer.

Gene Hunt and I traveled to Arkansas to teach ministry at an Awana camp there.

I got to help launch our Peru 2013 team!  This summer I spent lots of time training so that I can help carry the launch/debrief load next summer.

This year, Brasil was colder than it has ever been when we sent a team.  This was a picture that we posted as a joke for our missionary in Brasil.  We all got a chuckle out of the start contrast.

As part of my training, I got to help debrief (really just observe) of the South Korea team. 

Summer in ministry is crazy.  I was busy learning new things, especially because this was my first summer with YMI and I got to help a lot with making sure that logistics worked out well.  I am really thankful that my first summer with YMI is under my belt and I am looking forward to seeing what God is going to do in this next ministry year!
On a more personal, but certainly related note...I am no longer "Morgann Green", but "Morgann Burres".  On August 10, 2013, I got to marry my best friend, Nathan.  He too, is a missionary with YMI and works as the Athletic Director for the Northwest.  He runs sports camps all over the area and is helping to get B.A.S.E. up and running. (B.A.S.E. is the new sports ministry division of YMI.)

Here are some pictures from our wedding day:
We had a large wedding party and it was fantastic!!

So happy.
"I do."

We decided on sunset pictures after the reception and it was one of the most stunning sunsets I have ever seen in my entire life.

Well, as if the wedding wasn't enough change, 2 weeks after we got married (read: 4 days ago), we moved 250 miles south to Salem, OR.  Nathan has one more year left of school at Corban University in Salem.  He is studying Student and Family Ministries.  We are now all settled in and ready for school to start tomorrow.  While we are in Salem, we are both still working for YMI.  We have a 2-bedroom apartment where the spare bedroom functions as my office.  I am working from home and Skyping in to important meetings at the office as well as commuting up about once a month to check in.  We are thankful that the Lord has provided this flexibility with YMI.  We love that we can still be doing ministry while we are away and are looking forward to moving back at the end of the school year.  

Here are some pictures of our new home:
Family room


Master bedroom

Unit #310

My office space/Nathan's homework space

Kitchen table

So, now that things are more stable and we are all settled in, you can expect to hear from me on a much more frequent basis.  I should be posting close to once a week.  Right now is a "recharging" time in ministry.  The summer just ended and we are gearing up for next summer.  I have lots of traveling coming up for work to speak at conferences and we have some training camps just around the corner!  So exciting!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Arkansas has a piece of my heart.

This last week I had the joy of being all the wayyyy in Arkansas for an AWANA Camp.  Geno and I got to spend time training the high school students for their ministry day on Wednesday.  Here is my week in pictures  :)
On our way to Little Rock!

In the Dallas - Love Field Airport.  I was tempted to buy a pair!

Upon arriving in Little Rock, we met up with Henri, the AWANA Camp Commander.  He and his wife, Margy, were so hospitable.  They told us that there was this sweet little Old Mill down the road from their house.  Apparently, it appeared in the opening credits of Gone With the Wind.

I spent time admiring the beautiful Southern Scenery.

Once we arrived at camp and got settled in, Geno and I decided to explore the camp and go for a hike.  This is what was at the top.

At the first camp chapel, the pastor spoke on Acts 1:8, which just so happens to be YMI's mission verse!  (Thank you, God!)

In Arkansas, when it rains, it POURS.  This picture was taken during one of the storms that came through.  You can't really tell, but all the kids were being quarantined in the mess hall because it was raining so hard.  If we had sent them outside, it would have taken just a few seconds for them to be dripping wet!

This is the list of campers and counselors who participated in the ministry day on Wednesday!

Geno and I tried our hand at the high ropes course and zip line.

I've never seen a moth this gorgeous!

Training the high school students and speaking to them about missions and worldview.

Goodbye Arkansas.

Thanks for working with me as I figure out how to balance blogging with ministry.  I thought for sure that Mondays were going to work, but it's looking like it may just be "whenever I can" blogging.

1. A GREAT trip to Arkansas.
2. A busy next couple months of ministry.
3. Wedding plans are going well!

1. Health, health, health!
2. Pray that we have at least 10 kids sign up for our Kansas City Training Camp in August.
3. Please continue to pray that Nathan and my funding will continue to increase.